Have you ever thought of courage in the context of your everyday life? I know, it seems kind of strange because the way we traditionally think about courage doesn’t seem as if it would apply to our daily goings on. And yet…parenting, chronic pain, marriage, being gobsmacked by illness, grief, showing up to the running class for the first time. Courage & bravery in motion. The word courage has a deceptively simple definition: the quality of mind or spirit that enables a person to face difficulty.
Difficulty is relative. I get that.
I fully acknowledge that I, as a middle aged, middle-class, white woman born and raised in Canada, have virtually NO difficulties relative to the rest of the entire world. Yet, the very definition of the word courage calls me to develop a quality of mind that helps me face difficulty. I want a mind like that so when the shit hits the fan, in the million different little ways it does every day, I can meet what is happening without being reactive. It’s a work …