When Our Soul Screams: How to Embrace the Change It Craves
a special edition for those who struggle with moderation
I am an addict.
It’s very inconvenient.
When you’re the kind of person who doesn’t do things in moderation, like me, and you want to make a true change, like me, it requires a ton of effort. Sure, ALL change calls for commitment but when you’ve broken your brain, through too much of one thing, the workload to move past that thing seems extra-extensive.
However, as that old saying goes, the bigger the effort the bigger the reward, right?!
I know this to be true because there was a time (can we call thirty-five years ‘a time’?) I liked to have a glass of wine or four. One glass was never enough and, as these sneaky habits go, I began to need more wine while at the same time feeling more lousy.
My soul shrieked that it had to go.
The good thing about this, aside from the obvious that being sober is both cool and awesome, is that I know how to overcome very some very sticky habits. This is about to come in handy because I’m getting ready to take down a dinosaur.