It's astonishing we can turn in two directions at the same time
which is exactly what I'm doing right now
One foot was firmly planted, I think my boot was stuck and I didn’t want to step out of it. But, as these things sometimes go, the other foot had already taken a leap in a different direction and was determined to keep moving.
This kept me in an awkward place, constantly off balance tipping one way then the other, because I didn’t know which shoe felt better. I was stuck — for about ten years.

Part of me remained entrenched in my past life where the only time I could be my truest self was when I was partying (which is why I was so good at it) but I outgrew that life and took a giant step forward into my professional and family life. It was what I worked so hard for, the thing for which my heart yearned. And yet…I still couldn’t settle into my own skin. It turns out most of ME was buried beneath layers I didn’t know existed.
To find ‘boots’ with a good fit I’ve had to peel away my conditioning little by little, and I know I have a lot more to go. Some of these patterns include allowing myself to get too busy and pushing forward when I need to slow down.
A Story About Our Boots
I am at a point like this right now, my boots are (temporarily) pointing different directions. The me-who-wants-to-do-things-like-I’ve-always-done is determined to carry on as usual, while my soul is craving silence. I sense my heart yearning for uninterrupted time to work ON my writing, to improve my skills and change the way I do things. As I said in my last post we cannot expect to create a change if our routine stays the same.
Here at TBL I urge all of us to hear our inner whisper and do the hard thing that may be required in order to follow it. So, to that end, Dear One, I have decided to take July and August off from my regular posting.
I am giving myself a Sacred Pause, the gift of solitude and time, to become a better writer. I’ll be working on
‘s visceral intensive program as well as creating something special to offer you this fall. I also have some exciting collaborations coming up which deserve my full attention. You will see those land in your inbox over the summer.During my Sacred Pause I am offering anyone who is a paid subscriber before July 7 the opportunity to have a 30 minute one-on-one chat with me.
This is a chance for connection and clarity. I offer compassionate, intuitive support and evidence-based tools to help you rise above the chaos of daily life. I’ll be pausing all paid subscriptions on July 7 so no one will be charged anything during the summer, they will restart in September. If you’re interested in booking with me please get yours before then by clicking here. You will receive the link to book the call in the email I send you to say thanks for your support in becoming a paid subscriber, it means a lot to me.
My Dear Friend, may you move through the coming weeks with grace and ease, be gentle with yourself as you work to soften into the situation (because there’s always a situation). Thank you for being here, it means the world to me.
xoxo Donna
P.S. What are your favorite kind of shoes? Do you ever feel like you’re wearing two different ones?
P.S.S. Blundstone boots are the equivalent of mountain town formal wear. Everything-wear actually, I can’t think of an occasion where they aren’t appropriate around here! Our local shop thought I was nuts to order red ones.
Loved the shoes mataphor.
I so needed to hear this today. Thank you so much. Probably explains why my life and writing career feel so "off balance" right now. Enjoy your downtime...I did the same for a couple of months and plan to do so for the rest of the year...Love this!!!