Our physical energy is our holy grail. I know this to be true.
I had to go on an energetic search because my level of depletion became unacceptable. Each year I felt more run down even though nothing was ‘wrong’ with me. I was losing myself in exhaustion. So, for the last few years, I’ve left no stone unturned in my quest for personal energy, so much so that I consider myself a self-proclaimed exhaustion expert!
Sure, sometimes we run out of gas because we’re sick but that’s not what this post is about (and I am sending ❤ if you’re sick Sweetie). Today I’m asking if you have the energy to move forward in your life or if will things stay the same next year. The same frequency brings the same results, so part of your strategy for achieving change needs to include managing your physical energy level.
What is our heart’s desire? It’s that thing that has been niggling around in the back of our mind trying to get our attention, it’s the move our gut is nudging us toward, it’s our soul’s deepest yearning to live as our best self.
What sets our frequency? Our daily routine, as well as our thoughts, emotions, and responses. Not much really, haha! Oh, I know it lives in our past too, in our traumas and relationships, but the only place it can be addressed is by making different choices as we go about our day. The low-level aspects of our daily routine are where we give away our energy.
Here’s a list of a few common energy robbers that move you further from your dreams:
Wishy-washy personal boundaries (saying yes when you don’t mean it, not allowing yourself to say yes because you think you don’t deserve it)
Eating a lot of processed food and drinks
Talking about other people and paying too much attention to business that is not yours (both online and IRL)
Not making an effort to improve your sleep
Constantly watching the news
Mindless time online
Watching garbage TV
Alcohol & drugs
Comparing yourself to them
Committing to the change you desire, requires you to elevate your energy. Being human we often want to serve two masters: we chase a goal yet also want to stay the same. It never works. You need to change the frequency at which you’re operating to move closer to your best self.
By consistently addressing as many things on the list as you can.
I promise you will feel different, and be more capable of following through on your commitment if you get enough sleep most nights and move your body most days.
You are awesome, but perhaps you could be even more awesome, so get a plan Sweet One! Examine your life with a fine toothcomb and look at where you are willingly giving away your energy. For example, did you know that most people in the field of advanced health and neurology do not watch the news because they know what it does to the human brain? Just sayin. If you’re like me there’s a lot of wiggle room for improvement.
Stop depleting yourself by giving in to those energy robbers!
It also helps to have some tools you can use when you’re feeling overwhelmed or exhausted. Here’s a little list of things I’ve found that work to change my frequency in the short term, (yes Love, they are effective, we just have to USE them):
Intentional movement for at least one minute preferably to loud music
Loud singing (I don’t do this one because I don’t want to harm my pets, which I would likely do if I were singing🤣)
Go outside
Get in cold water
Develop a meaningful mantra and use it with intention, a couple of mine are "Everything I need to know will be revealed to me' (you can click on it to check out a post I wrote about it) and ‘Everything that needs to get done will get done’ (words I am heavily relying on this holiday season). I have found them to be bizarrely helpful when I remember to use them.
Employ the Universal Law of Kindness by doing something for someone else
Drink a glass of water right this minute
Make eye contact when you go out of the house
Smile at the people you make eye contact with or at yourself in the mirror
Rapid breaths in through your nose and out your mouth
You might be wondering how the heck these things can help create the change you plan on making. They work because they help you feel better and, as simple as it sounds, when you feel better you do better.
Get clear on your deepest desire because that is your soul talking to you. It is not selfish, nor is it silly. Get clear on the understanding that committing to the work needed to pull this off means you will have to move through your days differently. Get clear on how to structure your life so you vibrate at a higher level. It is from this place the desire you are seeking will land.
I asked for a message for The Bright Life community about increasing our energy, a direct link from my heart to yours as we move forward. This is what I got, do with it what you will💗
Sweetie, thank you for being here. It means a great deal to me. If you like this post please hit the ❤ to let me know. I’d love to know in the comments what you plan to do to elevate your energy in the new year or your most challenging energy robber?
xoxo Donna
P.S. A reminder that if you ever want to work on this stuff one-on-one I have been helping folks for almost 30 years. You can book to meet with me in person or online and, together, we can come up with a plan for you to move into the life you desire. Contact me at donnamcarthur@substack.com to set something up.
One more thing, I loved this post by
who writes Check it out and give yourself an award!
A wonderful piece, Donna. I think you have picked the perfect time of year to send out this super helpful message, and for me it has been just that — super helpful!
I really like what you said here —
“They work because they help you feel better and, as simple as it sounds, when you feel better you do better.” — because you provided a clear way this can help us and that’s very important.
Also, I loved the little fact about neuroscientists not watching the news that was good to hear. I stopped watching the news completely a long time ago, and I always felt kinda bad about doing so, like I ‘should’ stay up to date, but it’s just too negative and energy draining for me to engage in.
Thanks you, Donna. :)
Pure gold, Donna! Thank you! Although it seems like common sense now, I hadn't thought of the importance of energy levels in implementing change. But of course that's a HUGE factor! With my commitment to invoke comfort in 2023, among other things, I began aligning with circadian rhythms (essentially living in harmony with the sun cycle) and it has been a massive game changer as far as my energy levels. But now I'm also going to add smiling at myself and a few other gems. ♥️