Jan 11Liked by Donna McArthur

“Nail it down, write it down, say it out loud. Own it deep in your inner recesses. Doing this creates a powerful motivator and guide that will direct your future actions.”

I love the message here. Intention is the key to everything! Without positive intention we just bump along like a stick in the river, caught by the currents. It all starts with the decision to DO something about it.

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That was very inspiring Donna, as always 🫶🏻

So many things I’ve done but didn’t believe in it or thought I couldn’t, but I did and of course felt very empowered. I’m really looking forward to your following posts to build up my toolbox.

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Thank you for your heart and your wisdom. I want to bookmark this and refer back again and again to be reminded and inspired. <3<3

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Thank you so much for sharing this insightful post, Donna! The analogy of Wholeness and Loudypants is powerful. Your transparency about your own journey, particularly in overcoming challenges like quitting drinking, makes your message even more impactful.

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Nov 16, 2023·edited Nov 16, 2023Liked by Donna McArthur

-- Donna,

While reading this essay I was reminded of this one reflection I love:

“I chose and my world was shaken, so what? The choice may have been mistaken, the choosing was not.” -- Stephen Sondheim.

Here is to being spiritually wise, to changing our minds, to flourishing as thoughtful humans. Xo.

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Love this piece Donna! Right now I’m literally watching myself distract myself from doing the ONE thing I desire most (working on my manuscript). I’m dancing in an awkward tango with it and I trust we will find our flow again soon 💜

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Nov 14, 2023·edited Nov 14, 2023Liked by Donna McArthur

“Loudy Pants”— I love it! Such a good name for that pesky little voice.

This was a wonderful call to action, Donna. You laid everything out in a way that was very inspiring.

This may be a small example of believing in something before it happened, but every time I try to learn a new trick on my skateboard, I have to believe I can do the trick before I actually do it. Because if I don’t believe I can do it, it won’t happen. And after doing this for years, rallying my belief in myself in this way has become something I’ve been able to transfer to other aspects of my life.

Thanks Donna :)

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I don’t know what magic you’ve worked here, but this post found its way into my Substack feed and I am so happy it did! My soul feels calm and excited for the possibilities. I will be subscribing and joining this journey. :)

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I love this invitation Donna, it feels soul nourishing and nurturing with all the delicious bits in between. You are bringing such wisdom here that is truly wonderful. 💫🙏

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This is wonderful, Donna! Firstly, written like a master. A jackpot of entertainment plus profoundly informative. Well done, my friend! I love your reminder that this is not about fixing anything. That really resonates with me. I see myself taking Loudypants into my arms, giving her a big squeeze, and letting her know that it's safe for Wholeness to drive now. I acknowledge that all of Loudypants' antics have been, at the root, an (often misguided) attempt to protect me. I just got back from a shitty trip that has Loudypants all riled up and has brought some old patterns front and center. I am really looking forward to following you on this journey of change. Thank you for this work! ❤️

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This part hit me between the eyes: "Wholeness calls us to take the harder path, LP tells us to pour ourselves a drink, eat the junk, gamble this one last time, talk about others, or whatever is the very easiest path of distraction and instant gratification." DISTRACTION. Yes. That rings true. Settling for "junk" instead of exerting the effort to find the treasure.

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I love Loudypants as the name for the ego and Wholeness for the Higher self. I can now tell Loudypants to take a back seat to my dreams. The ego name has life long connotations that give it too much power.

I still think you would love the book, Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself.

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Just wow, Donna. Another awesome post. 🙌

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Nov 12, 2023Liked by Donna McArthur

It really touched me how you dissolve the constant struggle within us between ego and consciousness and what is dominant at any given time.

If we run away from the struggle, the fear disappears, but then how can we manifest what Life has to offer us?

Maybe and just maybe, we don't need to understand. We just need to listen, feel and let BE what is.

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Awesome 👏🏻 deep yes!

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Inspirational writing Donna. Love everithing about this

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