Hello you Gorgeous Soul, I’m Donna and I’m so glad you stopped by.

I offer tools and ideas that may guide us beyond our stories — the beliefs about ourselves we have accepted as truth, and the things we don’t realize we’re holding on to. Perhaps we no longer need to carry them? We won’t know unless we pay attention. I believe that, together, we can discover our deepest selves and courageously embrace the possibilities within. Thank you for being here.

My wheelhouse is well-being which I define as a fullness of all aspects of life - physical, mental, emotional & spiritual (although for me they don’t tend to round out at the same time!). My experience of thirty years in health care, working as a chiropractor in private practice, has given me the privilege of walking alongside thousands of patients as they strive for change. I’ve also been teaching all aspects of living well, both in person and online, for many years.

To me, brightness is a quality of mind, spirit, and body that will guide us toward a life of meaning, which is why I call my newsletter THE BRIGHT LIFE. This is not a cliched, self-help concept but an intentional way of showing up in the world.

I invite you to join me.

As a subscriber you can expect my heart centered, evidence-based perspective to land in your inbox on Sundays. Science and spirit are my jam and my work is based on distilling the newest research with a hefty dose of intuitive wisdom. I will offer tools you can use to get beneath the noise of daily living to learn to hear your own voice.

Here is an example:

Your subscription means so much!

The Bright Life is a reader-supported publication. Your subscription shows me your support as I work to create a caring & meaningful place on the Internet ❤

Why would you choose to pay?

The lovely folks who are paid subscribers truly value my work, they are not simply passing time and scrolling the net. This structure offers me a foundation from which to be courageous & vulnerable in my writing and, in doing so, call you to the same standard. (Don’t worry, there is no audience participation unless you choose to chime in, it’s the inner work that counts).

As well as access to every article I write, as a paid subscriber you will receive my online videos and presentations, like this one on mindset, and the recordings.


I do not want a paid membership to be a barrier to anyone. If you are interested in taking things to the next level, but find yourself in a position where you are unable to do so, please email me at donnamcarthur@substack.com and I’ll be happy to comp you one, no questions asked.

But Sweetie, you do not have to become a paid subscriber. Free subscribers will receive:

*1-2 written articles a month and as well as occasional recordings. You will also have my heartfelt thanks and gratitude for your interest in my work. It means a lot to me that you are here.

I love this! It’s from one of my fav IG accounts @wetheurban.

Together, we will unravel the deeply bound threads of our conditioning and gain the tools and habits to live with clarity about what is most important to us. (Heads up Dear One that if you get irritated by incorrect grammar and punctuation I am not your Girl! I write how I talk and occasionally make up my punctuation and lingo!)

xoxo Donna

To find out more about the company that provides the tech for this newsletter, visit Substack.com. To reach me with any questions or suggestions -donnamcarthur@substack.com, I’d love to hear from you.

Subscribe to The Bright Life

A weekly nudge to help you hear your inner whisper and gain the courage to follow it. Useful ideas from the latest science served with a dash of hope and a dollop of intuitive wisdom.


Well-being connoisseur, sobriety advocate, chiropractor, lover of great coffee & human potential!